The Peer System trailers have ten moving floors which are loaded with chickens. The distance between the moving floors allows the loading of chickens weighing 1.5 to 3.5 kg. This meets current legislation.
The ingenious system ensures the transfer from the shuttle to the trailer is smooth and appropriate. The chickens remain near each other, are calm and are not injured. The moving floors are operated in the right order by using a remote control.
The chicken remain calm during transportation. The unique loading system ensures that even an unexpected emergency stop does not put the chickens at risk.
Every trailer is equipped with closed tarpaulins and a mechanical ventilation system. This ensures the trailer is supplied with fresh air at all times. The air quality (temperature and humidity) is good even during transportation in extreme cold and hot weather. The air ventilation speed in the trailer can be increased on extremely hot days. This has a cooling effect on the animals! The quantity and direction of the ventilation can be adjusted on cold days to prevent damage or injuries from too much cold air.
Each trailer is equipped with a GPS system that automatically sends an SMS or email warning when the set temperature is exceeded. Overheating or undercooling of the chickens during transportation is reported on time and therefore will never apply again.
The trailers have a loading capacity of 18,000 kg and the total weight of the loaded trailer including the truck remains under 40,000 kg. This is well below the permissible maximum weight in many countries. The innovative trailer equipment ensures the legal 160 cm² space/kg for chickens is not exceeded even when fully loaded.