Peer System BV recently booked an order to deliver a complete supply system for broilers in the Vodňanská Drůbež a.s. slaughterhouse located in Vodnany, Czech Republic. Vodňanská Drůbež a.s. is the fourth slaughterhouse in the Czech Republic to make the transition to automatic catching, transport and unloading of live broilers since 2011.
The existing system using crates will be converted into the far more animal-friendly Peer System.
The introduction of machine catching combined with crate-free transport of broilers at the major slaughterhouses in the Czech Republic in such a short space of time is worthy recognition of Peer System.
The system that will be implemented at Vodňanská Drůbež a.s. consists of two catching machines, four shuttles, nine trailers and a double unloading installation, as well as a cleaning installation.
This enables all the birds to be supplied to the slaughterhouse “just in time” each day.
The poultry will arrive at the slaughterhouse in better condition and with less damage than in conventional transport systems.
A minimum of modification is needed at the slaughterhouse. An addition benefit is that no crates or containers enter the slaughterhouse, the conveyor belt only transports the birds.
The conditions in the Czech Republic are proof that practical application of Peer System solutions are possible at all types of poultry farms and slaughterhouses. This serves to increase awareness of the Peer System in Europe and beyond.
The first machines have already been delivered to Vodnany and implementation is scheduled to begin in early April.